Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama's Speech Speech

Over the last few days there has been much said about President Obama's school speech delivered today.
Many concerned parents and citizens argue that having children in school listen to his speech is tantamount to propaganda. Advocates argue that the President is just trying to inspire the children.
As a health care advocate, I see kids in the office who can't name the vice president of the U.S. They are not involved in politics and cannot tell you what is going on in the world politically.
If parents choose to ban their children from listening to a speech, how can we expect these children to grow into adults engaged in their communities welfare?
Like him or not, our president is reaching out to our children. If parents do not like his message to their kids, then it is imperative upon them to have a dialoge with their kids about what they consider an better alternative to his message.
What does listening to the President of the U.S. do for the kids?
Firstly and most importantly it provides an opportunity to the children to be curious and to take an interest in something greater than their own personal needs. Listening to their President may inspire them to seek ways to change the system they don't like or get more involved with a system they do like. It may spark discussions with teachers and peers, allowing them to open themselves to greater possibilities. Without the option to hear the President, how can children be involved in their future, their country and ultimately their health.

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